Motorbike Trackers
A recent survey of vehicle thefts threw up some alarming results that take one’s breath away:
There are more motorbikes stolen in the UK than the number of new ones bought
Most manufacturers don’t even fit them with an immobiliser
It takes no more than 20 seconds to steal a motorbike
A staggering £3 million worth of motorbikes are stolen from streets in the UK every month!
Hondas, Yamahas, Kawasakis, and Suzukis account for 85% of all stolen motorbikes
Given facts like these motorbike owners are going to ask themselves what they can do to ensure their motorbike is not one of the stolen ones that is never returned to them. The answer is simple and unequivocal: fit a motorbike tracker. A GPS or VHF motorbike tracker with Thatcham accreditation is a tiny device that is hidden within the workings of the motorbike than springs into action the moment the thief makes off with your prized possession. In addition, due to the device’s motion sensor coupled with the fact that it can be programmed to take account of a very specific set of geographical parameters the thief will find his movements are immediately registered with the control centre which will pass the information onto the police. A motorbike tracker represents a very modest investment in comparison with the cost of a new motorbike that can be as much as £20,000 and an average of around £5,000.
With years of experience behind them in fitting trackers in vehicles ranging from bulldozers to BMWs and Audis, Vehicle Tracking Tech is your first port of call for a no obligation quotation for a motorbike tracker to suit your motorbike as well as your wallet. We have the widest range and the keenest prices and with a nationwide fitting service at your disposal we can fit a motorbike tracker anywhere and at any time to suit you. Call us without further delay and together we can protect your investment.
Click here to view our best Motorbike Trackers.
This entry was posted in Help & Advice on April 3, 2017 by admin.