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Scorpion Track| X-Series Immobliser

Open your vehicle as normal and enter your unique and changeable PIN at any point button press sequence into the existing vehicle controls and your car starts as normal.
Thieves use specialist key cloning and key coding devices to steal vehicles making any keyless vehicle very vulnerable and can be taken in 30 seconds or less.
Scorpion X combats this with the latest technology and is uniquely coded to your vehicle and can be removed and refitted to your next purchase.





Immobilisers:Enhancing Vehicle Security

Vehicle security is of paramount importance in today's world, where car theft and unauthorized access have become increasingly prevalent. Immobilisers have emerged as a powerful solution to safeguard your vehicle against theft and ensure peace of mind. In this article, we'll delve into the features and benefits of immobilisers, highlighting key aspects like Key Relay defense, Personal Security, and High-Level Protection.

Key Features of Immobilizers:

  • Key Relay Defense: One of the most innovative features of modern immobilisers is Key Relay Defence. This technology thwarts the efforts of tech-savvy thieves who attempt to exploit keyless entry systems. With Key Relay Defence, your vehicle's immobiliser system prevents unauthorized access even if thieves manage to replicate or amplify the signal from your key fob. This extra layer of security ensures that only you, the rightful owner, can start and operate your vehicle.
  • Personal Security: Immobilisers not only protect your vehicle but also enhance personal security. Many advanced systems are equipped with anti-hijack features. In case of an attempted carjacking, the immobiliser can activate a secure mode, allowing you to immobilise the vehicle remotely or initiate an emergency shutdown. This ability to protect both your car and your well-being adds an invaluable layer of safety.
  • High-Level Protection: Immobilisers offer a high level of protection against various theft techniques, including hot-wiring and tampering with the ignition system. These systems are designed to render your vehicle inoperable without the correct authentication, making it extremely challenging for thieves to steal your vehicle. Some immobilisers also include tamper alerts, notifying you if anyone tries to bypass or interfere with the immobiliser system.


1. How does an immobiliser work?
An immobiliser works by interrupting the electrical circuit necessary for the engine to start. It communicates with the vehicle's electronic control unit (ECU) and requires validation from an authorized key or access credential before allowing the engine to ignite.
2. Can I install an immobiliser in my existing vehicle?
Yes, many modern vehicles come equipped with immobilisers as standard features. However, if your vehicle doesn't have one, you can consider aftermarket immobiliser installations. These installations are conducted by professionals and are compatible with a wide range of vehicle makes and models.
3. How does Key Relay Defence enhance security?
Key Relay Defence is a technology that safeguards against relay attacks, where thieves amplify the signal from a key fob to gain unauthorized access to a vehicle. Immobilisers with Key Relay Defence can detect and counteract such attacks, ensuring that only the genuine key fob's signal is recognized.
4. How effective are immobilisers in preventing theft?
Immobilisers are highly effective in preventing theft. They significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access and operation of vehicles, deterring thieves and making it extremely difficult for them to start the engine without the proper key or access credentials.
5. Can I immobilize my vehicle remotely in case of an emergency?
Yes, many advanced immobiliser systems, like the ScorpionTrack X-Series Immobiliser mentioned on the manufacturer's website, offer remote immobilization features. In situations like attempted carjacking or theft, you can initiate a remote shutdown of your vehicle using a designated mobile app or online portal.
“Empowering Vehicle Security: Exploring the X-Series Immobiliser by ScorpionTrack”
In a world where vehicle security threats are ever-present, immobilisers stand out as an effective solution to safeguard your investment and enhance personal safety. With features like Key Relay defense, Personal Security, and High-Level Protection, these advanced systems offer an extra layer of defense against car theft and unauthorized access.
For more in-depth information about the state-of-the-art X-Series Vehicle Immobiliser, you can explore ScorpionTrack. The X-Series Immobiliser boasts advanced features and cutting-edge technology to provide unparalleled security for your vehicle. At, we're dedicated to helping you make informed decisions about vehicle security. Immobilisers are a crucial element of any comprehensive security strategy, offering peace of mind and safeguarding your investment.

Products by Vehicle Type: Immobilisers

Vehicle security has become increasingly crucial in today's world, where the risk of car theft and unauthorized access is ever-present. Immobilisers have emerged as a powerful solution to enhance vehicle security and provide peace of mind to vehicle owners. These advanced electronic devices play a pivotal role in preventing unauthorized access to and operation of vehicles, effectively deterring theft. Let's explore some of the notable immobiliser products available, each designed to offer a high level of protection and security:
  • Cobra Thatcham Cat 2 Immobiliser (£99.99): The Cobra Thatcham Cat 2 Immobiliser is a reliable and affordable option for enhancing vehicle security. It is designed to prevent unauthorized access and engine operation by disabling key vehicle components required for the engine to start. This immobiliser offers a robust defense against traditional theft techniques. VTT ADR Immobiliser (£99.99): The VTT ADR Immobiliser provides a robust layer of protection against unauthorized access and vehicle theft. Its advanced technology ensures that only authorized individuals with the correct access credentials can start and operate the vehicle. This immobiliser is built to withstand tampering and intrusion attempts.
  • Cobra Alarm A8510 Immobiliser (£99.99): The Cobra Alarm A8510 Immobiliser combines the benefits of a reliable alarm system with an immobiliser, offering comprehensive security for your vehicle. It incorporates advanced features such as tamper alerts and high-level protection against theft attempts, enhancing the overall security of your vehicle.
  • Meta Trak B3.1 Immobiliser (£99.99): The Meta Trak B3.1 Immobiliser is designed to provide an effective defense against unauthorized access and operation of vehicles. Its robust technology ensures that only authorized keyholders can start the engine, making it an essential component of a comprehensive vehicle security strategy.
  • Meta Trak B3.2 Immobiliser (£99.99): The Meta Trak B3.2 Immobiliser offers enhanced security features to protect your vehicle from theft. With its tamper alerts and high-level protection mechanisms, this immobiliser provides peace of mind to vehicle owners, deterring unauthorized access and operation.
  • Meta Trak Legos Alarm & Immobiliser: The Meta Trak Legos Alarm & Immobiliser is a comprehensive solution that combines both alarm and immobiliser functions. This integrated system provides a multi-layered approach to vehicle security, safeguarding against theft and unauthorized access.
  • Autowatch Ghost II (£499.00): The Autowatch Ghost II is a premium immobiliser system known for its advanced security features. It offers protection against key cloning and keyless entry hacking, enhancing the security of modern vehicles. The Ghost II immobiliser ensures that only authorized users can start and operate the vehicle.
  • ScorpionTrack X-Series Immobiliser (£449.00): The ScorpionTrack X-Series Immobiliser is equipped with cutting-edge technology, including remote immobilization features. In addition to preventing unauthorized access, this immobiliser allows vehicle owners to remotely immobilize their vehicles in emergencies, adding an extra layer of security.


The X-Series prevents Key Relay theft where a criminal picks up the signal from your car key and uses a transmitter to make your car believe the key is present, opening the car and allowing the thief to start it.


The X-series uses a combination of buttons and switches in your car to enable/disable the immobiliser. You can choose any combination of buttons making it unique to yourself and your car.


There is no need to remember to reactivate the system once you have completed your journey, once the vehicle has been turned off the system will automatically activate and start protecting the vehicle.

Gone in 86 Seconds

What is Key Relay Theft?

A relay attack usually involves two people working together. One stands by the targeted vehicle, while the other stands near the house with a device that can pick up a signal from the key fob.
The device then relays the key fob’s signal directly to the car, allowing the thieves to get in and drive away immediately.

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